Great Bras d'Or Front Range Lighthouse
As the sun sets and the storm passes there is no better place to be than at the Great Bras d'Or Front Range Lighthouse.
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Seeing as I have written in depth about the many lighthouses lining the channel leading from the Atlantic into Great Bras d'Or Lake I will spare you from anyrepetition. Following the Point Aconi, and Black Rock Point lighthouses, and preceding this lights sister Rear Range, and theMcNeil Beach lighthouse, the Great Bras d'Or Lake Front Range beacon sits right in the middle of it's many cousins. Thankfully my evening photographing the channel only consisted of two of it's many beacons, giving me lots of time to get the full sunset experience.
Being somewhat unprepared for the channel's lights' hiding places, getting to this one wasn't too easy. I instead ended up at a locals home,interruptinghim and his child as they bounced on their trampoline. Awkwardlyapproachingthem I introduced myself, explained my goal, and was quickly supplied with all the information I needed. It turned out that I had actually driven past the light and that it was only a quick jog down the rocky beach. After being shown the pathway leading to the water I grabbed my gear and made my way to the light.
Once I arrived at my destination I was amazed by how I had somehow driven right past the light, my obvious lack of observation taught me to look much closer in the future. After setting up I clicked away as the pastel clouds floated by above me, constantly changing colours as they went. The time of my arrival was perfect and gave me a breathtaking view of the most beautiful sunset throughout my week long trip.
After taking what I knew to be some amazing shots, I packed up and made my way back to the car, planning to leave some time for my next stop, the Black Rock Pointlighthouse. As I thanked the homeowner one more time and backed out of his driveway I remember being grateful for the kindness of Nova Scotia's people, without them I wouldn't have seen even half the lights I had so far.
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Posted in Mental Health Post Date 11/25/2016